In Development
NEO is your intelligent, everyday assistant. Join the waitlist and be the first to know when NEO is available.
NEO’s vision and movement can be quickly taken over by a remote human operator if you need support.
NEO’s body is engineered with muscle-like anatomy instead of rigid hydraulics so they’re strong and gentle like we are.
NEO can walk, jog, climb stairs, and navigate your space naturally. As they move and perform tasks, they get even more efficient.

NEO Specifications

5.41 feet
66 pounds
2.5 miles/hour walk speed
7.5 miles/hour run speed
44 pound carry capacity
2-4 hour run time
Want to help build NEO? Explore open roles.
Want to help build NEO? Explore open roles.
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neo FAQs

How does NEO learn from EVE?

NEO is designed and trained in The Studio to understand both natural language and physical space with a combination of robotics and artificial intelligence. NEO builds on years of EVE’s real world experience. That means a task like “move that box” makes future tasks like “move that bag” even easier.

What can NEO do?

NEO is an humanoid with a wide range of capabilities. They excel in industrial tasks in sectors like security, logistics, manufacturing, operating machinery, and handling complex tasks. Long term, we envision NEO providing valuable home assistance and performing chores like cleaning or organizing.

1X is also looking into how NEO can offer support to individuals with mobility challenges, fetching items and providing companionship. NEO’s potential also extends to research, helping the robotics community to explore fields like psychology and artificial intelligence. With NEO’s continuous evolution, the possibilities for assistance, productivity, and learning are boundless.

Why is NEO modeled after a human?

Humanoids are made to look like humans for different reasons. Firstly, humans are flexible and can move around in all sorts of ways. By copying our shape and movements, 1X’s robots can do complex tasks and get around easily.

Secondly, we're really good at understanding each other without words, like using expressions and gestures, and when robots look like us, they can use these familiar ways to communicate and work with humans.

Lastly, since everything in our world is made for humans, it's easier to have humanoids that fit into our world without changing too much. So by being designed like us, robots can climb our stairs, open our doors, and be helpful everywhere we need them.

How does NEO use artificial intelligence (AI)?

Using embodied artificial intelligence, NEO will understand its environment deeper, thanks to the fusion of their AI “senses” and their physical body. NEO continuously learns and improves, becoming smarter and more capable over time. 

The more you interact with them, navigating life with NEO will feel natural and intuitive. NEO will understand their own environment and how to handle fragile items, creating seamless collaboration and immersive human-android interaction.

Can NEO be my personal assistant?

While NEO is still in development, they’re being designed to be an all-purpose humanoid assistant to your daily life. That means NEO will be able to take on many common tasks, whether helping you around the house, completing chores, or running errands.